

No Date & colum Last Week Topic Quiz about the news
from last week's Weekly ST
Let's read about the latest themes of
our science class and social studies class,
using American textbooks (Ages 9 and up).
Science Social Studies
35 March
Last Version

Thank you for reading my newspapers for a year !

Thanks to you, I could publish 35 newspapers this year. I deeply appreciate that you kept reading my newspapers for one year.
And I am very happy to feel you are very interested in English now, as one of persons in charge of English. Our great English teacher , Ms. Suzuki, sometimes say, "To communicate each other is the most important thing for learning English."
I think so, too.
I think that heartwarming communication is very difficult.
I must apologize to you for my rigid poor articles having no humour.
I will do my best to improve my English and put on the clothes of the humour senses.
I hope that my newspapers will be able to make you laugh and make your minds warm someday.
http://flyingclassroom.blog78.fc2.com/ です。

はじめまして〜 (「飛ぶ教室」くろこ)
2007-03-11 20:28:42




Shizuoka Life 〜http://www2.wbs.ne.jp/%7eshizlife/

「Two Trees 〜育もう交流を!」 http://park2.wakwak.com/~raiga/index.html
34 March

覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現 H 荷物を預けたり、受け取る時
Where is the Baggage Center?(手荷物受取所はどこですか?)/Is this baggage from JAL Flight 14?(これは日本航空14便の荷物ですか?)/My baggage is missing.(私の荷物が見つかりません。)Can you find my suitcase?(私のスーツケースを探してください。)/This is my claim tag.(これが預り証です。)
Last week we (eighth-graders) announced our reports that we had investigated in our school trip. The main theme of our reports is ‘Culture and eternity'. We enjoyed others' reports by our eyes, our ears, our nose, our mouths and our fingers. What in the world is ‘Culture'? What on earth is ‘Eternity'? We thought about these deeply.
(1) In Sendai a 14-year-old boy fell from the 11th floor and died Feb. 27, apparently after taking the *** treatment Tamiflu.(タミフル服用後に転落→インフルエンザ)
(2) Stocks had their worst day of trading since 911 terrorist ******s. The reason for this was worldwide c****** that the Chinese economy is stumbling.(中国経済の先行き不信感で世界同時株安→攻撃・懸念)
<Human Body Systems 3>
System Function
Digestive system ・Breaks down food into simple substances that your cells can use
・Gets rid of solid wastes from digestion
Excretory system ・Removes liquid wastes and waste gases
Respiratory system ・Takes in oxygen from the air you breathe▼・Gets rid of waste gases (carbon dioxide and water vapor)
Circulatory system ・Moves blood throughout your body
・Delivers nutrients and oxygen to all cells
・Removes carbon dioxide and wastes from cells
・Helps fight disease

<Why was the atomic bomb made?> (広島平和資料館の資料より)
Nuclear fission was discovered in Germany in December 1938. That nuclear fission could release tremendous amounts of energy. This was the discovery of atomic energy. World War II started in September 1939. Leo Szilard and other Jewish scientists who had escaped to the U.S. from Nazi Germany feared that Germany was already developing a new weapon that would employ nuclear fission. They convinced the famous physicist Albert Einstein to sign a letter to U.S. President Roosevelt to authorize research into a new type of bomb. Roosevelt agreed and the U.S. started in October 1939 to develop an atomic bomb. The U.S. succeeded in the experiment of the atomic bomb on July 16, 1945. And the United States dropped the atomic bomb ( little boy ) on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Japan had been decided to the place on which the atomic bomb should be dropped ,since 1943, not Germany where Hitler lived.
33 March

覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現 G 飛行機内で使える会話

Would you show me your boarding pass? (搭乗券を見せてください。)/Here it is. (これです。)
Where is my seat? (私の席はどこ?)/Aisle Seat or Window Seat? (通路側の座席?窓側の座席?)
飲食物・必要な物, please. (〜をお願いします)/ earphone(イヤホン)wet towel(お絞り)sickness bag(エチケット袋)blanket(毛布)pillow(枕)/ Excuse me, I don't feel well. (すみませんが気分が悪くて)
We went on a school trip from February 19th to 21st. On the first day we went to many temples in Nara. On the second day we went to the place that each of us selected for the original theme. On the third day we went around in Kyoto as a small group. All of us felt that three days were very short. After finishing the school excursion, we made common experiences and personal experiences our unforgettable memories. I wish we could go on a school trip together again. (1) About 30000 people from around the world ran through the rain Feb. 18 in the Tokyo Marathon. The participants were picked ** *** after 95000 people applied.
(2) British Prime Minister Blair said Feb. 21 that Britain will ******** about 1600 ****** from Iraq. On the same day, Denmark said it will ******** all of its 460 ******.
<Human Body Systems 2>
System Function
Skeletal system Supports your body and gives it shape. / Protects your internal organs. /
Helps you move. / Stores substances. / Makes blood cells.
Muscular system Moves your body parts. / Moves food through your digestive system. /
Pumps blood through your circulatory system. / Makes you breathe.
Nervous system organs Controls all other systems in your body. / Receives information about your environment. / Stores memories. / Allows you to think.
<Results of World WarT>
The Treaty of Versailles, which ended the war, set forth these conditions:
1. Germany was to give up territory and colonies to France, Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, and Poland.
2. To prevent Germany from starting another war, the size of its army was reduced. It was forbidden to have submarines and aircraft.
3. Germany accepted responsibility for starting the war and was penalized $33 billion in damages to other nations.
4. The League of Nations was formed. It was proposed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, but the United States never joined and it did not include every major nation.
32 February

覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現F より丁寧に
Show me this.→Please show me this.→ Can you please show me this? →Would you please show me this?→ Could you please show me this?→Would you mind showing me this?
By last Thursday we got the results of the latter-period tests. Though the timing was not so good, last Friday was a school open day and our parents came to our school to see our art lesson. We hoped our parents would enjoy our lesson. As for me, in this test, I realized that I should spend the day before tests calmly and must sleep properly, even if the biggest good news was sent to me immediately before the tests. (1) Shrugging off a ******* by opposition parties, the Upper House enacted supplementary budget for the current fiscal year. The opposition camp - which is demanding that Minister Hakuo Yanagisawa resign for calling women “child-bearing machines"- had been *******ing budget deliberation for a week. (柳沢大臣の辞職求めて野党欠席のまま、今年度の補正予算が成立→ボイコット)
(2) A NASA ********* was charged Feb. 6 with attempted first-degree murder involving a romantic rival in a love triangle with another *********.
<Human Body Systems 1>
Your body is made of trillions of cells. Cells are grouped together to form tissues. Tissues form organs
and organs form organ systems. Systems work together to keep you alive and healthy.
System Main Organs
Skeletal system bones
Muscular system muscles
Digestive system mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, large intestine, rectum, anus
Excretory system kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, skin, lungs
Respiratory system mouth, nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs
Circulatory system heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
Nervous system organs brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs

<World WarT1914-1918>
World War Twas the first war in which countries from all over the world took sides. Before it ended, 30 nations on five continents had been involved. When it was over, the map of Europe had changed greatly. Although it was called “the war to end all wars, "the result would lead to another world war among many of the same nations. It was the first modern war in that it was the first time that modern inventions such as airplanes, tanks, submarines, machine guns, and poison gas ware widely used. It was also the bloodiest war in history up to that time.
31 February
覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現E English Conversation Test
次のどれかを入れて下さい→how which why what where

( ) to ?

( ) about that !

( ) for ?

4.どうしたんだい? ( )'s going on ?
( ) were we ?

So that's ( ) it is.

7.いらっしゃいませ。 ( ) can I do for you ?
( ) not ?

Oh, I know ( ).

( ) can you !

11.驚いちゃだめだよ。 Guess ( ).
( ) did it go ?

13.調子はどう?   ( ) are you doing ?

Now we, eighth-graders, are preparing for the school trip (2/19-2/21). We will pay a visit to Kyoto, Nara and the special place where each of us want to go. On the first day, we all will visit Nara to study Japanese ancient culture. On the second day, we will visit the place which we selected for studying our own themes. Last day we will visit the famous places in Kyoto, such as Kiyomizudera, Kinkakuji and so on. The more knowledge we have about our own culture, the more international we can become. (1) TV entertainer Sonomanma Higashi was elected ******** of Miyazaki ********** on Jan. 21 to replace T Ando who has been arrested.

(2) Rinko Kikuchi, almost unknown in her native Japan, took center stage Jan.24 as the country's second ******* to be nominated for an Oscar.

(3) ********** Sen. Hillary turned political powerhouse(やり手) for becoming the first female president and said “I'm in, and I'm in to win."
(Social studies)
<About Nara>
Nara was constructed as the capital of Japan, known as "Heijokyo", in 710 and flourished as the east terminal of the Silk Road with an elegant Tempyo Culture. It was the center of the ancient Japanese politics and economy. After the capital was transferred from Nara to Kyoto, Nara gradually became a unique town of Buddhism Temples and Shinto Shrines. Nara is the spiritual hometown of Japan that has preserved and inherited many World Heritage sites and traditional Japanese culture. Nara has developed as an International Cultural Tourism City.

30 January

What's eating you?→ 何を気にしているの?

How come you're up this late? → 何故・・・・why よりも口語的

A: Why don't we go to the park? B: That new park? Why not? → いいねぇ。

What's up? → 調子はどう?

Have you got a moment? →ちょっとお時間いただけますか。

How's it going? / How's everything? = How are you?
Last Monday the academic ability survey tests were returned to us by our teachers. These tests were more difficult than last year's tests. Many of us regretted idleness and carelessness. We eight-graders must challenge the new style-high school entrance exam (one school & one chance). We must acquire concentration, carefulness and endurance to win the only one race. We must not forget that our rivals at other schools are more serious and more diligent than we think. (1) Fujiya Co. announced Jan. 15 that it used old ***********, and there was a ********** cover-up. (ペコちゃんの不二屋に非難〜原料・組織的な)〜1/26ST

(2) The ********** upgraded the Defense Agency to a full ******** Jan. 9 for the first time since World War U. (防衛庁が省に〜政府・省)〜1/19ST

(3) A group of DJ OZMA's dancers in skin-colored body suits had NHK ********ing to viewers of Kohaku Uta Gasssen(DJオズマ紅白問題〜謝る)〜1/12ST
Social Studies

What people in a group eat is part of their culture. The food culture is created by tastes and influenced by religion and customs. A group's diet is also determined by what it can grow or raise. Climate, too, influences how people build their kitchens and prepare their foods. Location determines dietary factors in many cultures. However, nowadays, because of excellent transportation and storage, canned goods are found in the homes of Arctic Inuits and frozen meals in the homes of people in desert regions. Cuisine is determined by everything from taste to climate, farming, and location, too. For example, the cuisines of Asia use rice as a main ingredient. In Italian cuisine, wheat flour noodles called pasta are common. People in other countries use bread (wheat flour products), corn and potatoes and so on, as a main food. Today, with mass communication, migration, and transportation, many cuisines are available all over the world.
29 December
覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現D ほめられた時

Oh, thank you. /That's very kind of you./
It's very kind of you to say that./
Thanks (a lot)./ Thank you very much./
Do you really think so? I'm very happy./
You've made my day !./

Last Tuesday we held the school chorus concert in the middle-size hall of the citizens
We, 2-A, sang the song " In Terra Pax", which had been written to make us think about the love for the earth.
And all of the eighth-graders sang hallelujah. Many parents listened to our song, gave us nice compliments and we were happy.
(1) The Wii were sold 371.936 units in its opening weekend in Japan. The Nintendo hopes the games will a***** to a wider a*******. (Wii→アピール・聴衆)

(2) An American Airline flight was forced to make an e******** landing Dec. 4 after a p******** lit matches to d******* the s**** of flatulence.


(3) A study published Dec. 5 that the richest 10% accounted for 85% of the world assets.
<Xmas special 〜 Let's Enjoy Christmas Story!!>

(paraphrased from the Bible, Matthew 2:1-11 and Luke 1:26-38 and 2:1-20)
  Once, long ago, an angel came to Mary and said, "You will have a baby boy, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of God."And so, when the time came, Mary and Joseph rode on a donkey to the little town of Bethlehem. There was no room for them at the inn, so Jesus was born in a barn. Mary wrapped him in a blanket, and laid him in a manger.
  That night, shepherds were watching their sheep in the fields. Suddenly an angel came to them and said, "I bring you news of great joy! A Savior- Christ the Lord- has been born!" The angel was joined by many other angels, singing, "Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth, good will to men!" The shepherds said to each other, "Come! Let's go see this wonderful thing!" They ran to Bethlehem, and found the baby Jesus lying in a manger.
  Also that night, three wise men from the East saw a bright star. They were filled with joy! They followed the star. The star led them to the baby Jesus. The wise men fell down and worshiped him, and gave him gifts.
  And now, every Christmas, we too, worship Jesus, our Savior, and celebrate His birth!

28 December

Our plan is to.../
We're thinking of .../ What we have in mind is .../
What we plan to do is .../
I'll tell you what we'll do. /
What about this for an idea .../
Why don't you ..? /
You could always.../
If I were you, I'd.../
Why not .../
How about ...? /
Try ...ing./
In the third round none of five candidates could get enough votes to win. Last week a new comer made a speech to stand as a candidate. To our regret, two girl-candidates decided to cancel candidacy. Nobody knows who will get the gold chair. (1) Prime Minister Abe said Nov. 27 his ruling LDP(自民党) will readmit 11 lawmakers it ousted last year over its p***** privatization p*****.

(2) Officials from some 120 nations met in Kenya on Nov. 20 to d****** the growing threat from d******** waste including "e-waste" − obsolete computers, mobile phones and televisions shipped to the d********* world.

(3) Deep Impact brushed off all the b*** to win the Japan Cup on Nov. 26.(ディープインパクトがジャパンカップを制す〜うわさ)
<Lighting a Bunsen Burner>
1.If you have long hair, tie it back with an elastic band. Wear safety goggles.
2.Tuck in or fasten any loose-fitting clothing.
3.Use the safety tubing to connect the Bunsen burner to the gas jet.
4.Position your sparkmaker (like lighters) over the mouth of the Bunsen burner.
5.Open the gas jet to allow gas to flow to the Bunsen burner.
6.Use the sparkmaker to ignite the gas.
7.The flame of a lighted Bunsen burner should be blue, with an inner and an outer cone. If it is yellow or orange on top, then turn the air vent near the base of the Bunsen burner to adjust the color of the flame. This changes the flame color by changing the gas-air mixture.
<Freedom and People's Rights Movement〜>
The leader of this Movement was Itagaki Taisuke. Back in 1874, when the government made an unpopular decision against a punitive attack on Korea, many Tosa and Saga leaders had withdraw from the Meiji regime to issue a call for a popularly elected parliament. In 1881, Itagaki and others founded the Jiyuto (Liberal Party). The next year, the Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Reform Party), a similar political organization, was founded by Okuma Shigenobu.
27 December

Sorry, but.../
Excuse me for interrupting, but.../
May I interrupt for a moment ?/
Can I add here that.../
I'd like to comment on that. /
Can I add something ? /
Can I say something here? /
I'd like to say something, if I may. /
Can I ask a question? /
May I ask something ? /
(使い方→A: Last night I went to a baseball game...
B: Excuse me for interrupting, but which one?
A: Red Socks against White Socks. Anyway, so I.... )
We are practicing the song for the school chorus concert as often as possible. 2-A's song is 'In Terra Pax'. Furthermore we eighth-graders will sing Hallelujah. Thanks to the great sacred song we will be able to make audiences impressed deeply. (1) Keio U********* and Kyoritsu U********* of Pharmacy said that they will begin d********* on merging in April 2008.(慶大と杏薬大が合併〜大学・議論)

(2) Nintendo Co.'s Wii went on sale in U.S. on Nov. 20, quickly selling out. The l***** went smoothly, a c****** to the PS3.(米でWii発売〜発売・対照的に)

(3) Heavy rains and f****s have hit up to many people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia driving them from their homes .(アフリカの角が壊滅状態〜洪水)
<What you should do after experiments & clearing up>

At the end of any lab session, always wash your hands thoroughly. Washing your hands helps keep you healthy. To correctly wash your hands, follow these steps.

1. Wet your hands with warm water. Then apply soap to your hands.

2. Rub your hands together to work the soap into a lather(泡). Be sure to rub the soap onto all parts of your hand, including around and under your fingernails. Continue scrubbing your hands this way for at least 20 seconds.

3. Rinse (すすぎなさい)your hands completely with warm water.

4. Use a fresh paper towel to dry your hands. Then use the same towel to shut off the water. Don't shut off the water directly by your clean hands.

5. Throw the paper towel in the trash.
<Meiji Period 1868-1912>
Meiji leaders began to Westernize, or adopt(取り入れる) ways of Western countries of Europe and North America. They eliminated(排除した) the position of shogun, daimyo, and samurai. Students and officials were sent to Europe and America to study Western education, science, government, and military organization(機構). The Japanese government built railroads, industries, and telegraph lines. In less than 35 years after the Meiji became emperor, Japan had built a modern, strong empire.
26 November

覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現A  自分の意見を訂正するとき
What I mean is .../
What I meant was .../
Let me put it another way. /
What I'm saying is .../
What I'm trying to say is .../
Don't misunderstand me, .../
If I said that, I didn't mean to .../
Let me rephrase what I just said./
使い方(A: I don't want to study. /
B: Do you really mean that? /
A: Well, what I mean is 〜)
Last week we were given the test schedule by our teacher.
We must challenge two tests, the first check test 12/20 and the eighth-grade achievement test 1/12.
Especially the former makes us realize the beginning of studying for high school entrance exam.
(1) List of b****ing-related s******s grows. On Nov.12, a junior high-school student in Saitama and a 12-year-old girl in Osaka committed s******. In Niigata a 14-year-old boy hanged himself, on Nov.14.(自殺相次ぐ〜いじめ・自殺)

(2) The Boston Red Sox are ready to pay \60 b****** just for the right to
n******** with Daisuke Matsuzaka, Nov. 15. (松坂との交渉権〜十億・交渉する)

(3) Sony's PS3 made its high expected debut in Japan to long q****s Nov. 11. But Sony Co. managed to ready only 100000 m******* in time for its debut because of production problem. (プレステ3が発売・入手は非常に困難〜列・機械)
<What kind of experiment is this?>
1. Place container on base of ring stand.
2. Set funnel into ring so stem is in container.
3. Set stem to touch side of container.
4. If you need filter paper, fold it and place it in funnel.
5. Slowly pour liquid down side of funnel.
* Hint・・・containerとして普通はbeaker を使います。funnel の先にはstem がついています。
<Accomplishments of the Early Japanese>
1. Although they originally borrowed from the Chinese, the early Japanese gradually built their own culture. For example, Chinese written characters were used to write the Japanese language.
2. They developed literature and poetry, including the writing of the world-famous novel The Tale of Genji.
3. They developed the Shinto religion(宗教), a form of nature worship(崇拝). Ancestor(祖先) worship also developed.
4. They placed great emphasis (重き・強調)on good manners and love of beauty.
25 November

覚えておきたい英会話で使える表現@  自分の意見を言うとき
In my opinion, /
In my case, /
To my mind, /
As for me, / Well, personally, /
If I had my way, ../
I personally believe ... 
I personally think .../
I personally feel .../
From my point of view, .../
Not everyone will agree with me, but... /
What I'm more concerned with is .../
Last Friday we went to the citizens lyceum and watched the documentary movie ‘Tsuhinosumika’ in the medium size hall. The movie was made by the graduate of our school, Mr.Yamamoto, who has wanted to make movies since he was a junior high school student. After watching his movie, we listened to his talk. He told us that having a dream was wonderful and we should try hard to realize our dreams. (1) Japan's deadliest t*****o on r***** tore through the town of Saroma, Hokkaido, killing nine people and injuring 25. 

(2) U.S. Democrats wrested(取り戻した) control of the Senate(上院) from Republicans on Nov. 8, at the hands of v***** unhappy with c******ing v******* in Iraq.

(3) Microsoft Co. finished work Nov.8 on its long-d****** Windows Vista operating s*****, and said the software would be a******** in the U.S. on Jan.30.
<Chemical Changes and Our experiment>
In physical (物理的) change, physical properties (特性) of the substance -such as its size and shape -- have changed, but not its chemical (化学的) properties.
On the other hand, in chemical change, the chemical properties of the substance have changed, producing new substances.
For example, if you hold a lit match to the paper, the paper will burn.
What you're left with-- ash (灰), gases, and smoke -- is no longer paper.
In our next experiment, we heated sugar, added the albumen (卵白) mixed with bicarbonate of soda (重曹) to it and look at their change. 
http://rikanet2.jst.go.jp/contents/cp0170a/contents/12/00/index.html ←これらのページを参考に
<BAKUMATSU: The end of the Tokugawa regime>
The two large tozama domains (藩) of Satsuma and Choshu were drawn into alliance (同盟) by young activist samurai, Ryoma Sakamoto, and allied (同盟した) with key figures (重臣) at the imperial court (朝廷).
In December 1867 this group captured (擁した) the emperor and declared (宣言した) in his name (天皇の詔として) a restoration of imperial rule (Osei Fukko).
The shogun had been outmaneuvered (出し抜かれた).
Tokugawa forces made an attempt to resist (〜に抵抗の試み) this turn of events, but troops from the domains of Satsuma, Choshu, and Tosa proclaimed (名乗った) themselves an imperial army and routed (打ち破った) the Tokugawa forces near Kyoto (The Battle in Toba and Fushimi).

24 November

She sells seashells on the seashore. /
The right switch is the light switch. /
Six thick thistle sticks. /

This is a zither. Is this a zither? /
For fine fresh fish phone Phil. /
In the second round neither of two candidates could get enough votes to win.
So last week, five candidates (including a newcomer) fought over the seat of president of our student union in the third round.
As a result, our election will go into the final vote of the fourth round next week.
(1) Softbank Co. said Nov. 1 that it plans to change the content of its a************s after an i************ into whether “zero-yen” c******* was misleading. (ソフトバンクが0円広告見直し〜広告・調査・運動)

(2) North Korea said Nov.1 it would return to the 6-****** nuclear disarmament talks in an e***** to get access to f***** overseas bank accounts.(北朝鮮が金融制裁解除を条件に核軍縮6各国協議復帰合意〜国・努力・凍結した)

(3) The Japanese a***** Haruki Murakami has received the Franz Kafka P**** in Plague. He said, “I encountered Kafka's work when I was 15 years old. It gave me a tremendous s****." (村上春樹がカフカ賞〜作家・賞・衝撃)
<A Table of Elements & the numbers of electrons >

In 1869, Russian chemist(化学者) Mendeleev created the periodic table(周期表) of elements.
He organized(組織化した) the known elements by their atomic weights and chemical properties(特性).
Mendeleev's work predicted(予言した) the existence(存在) and weights of several elements that were not yet known.
A few elements' weight order differs from (〜と異なる)their atomic number order, and by 1914, English scientist Moseley had rearranged(整理し直した) the elements according to(従って) their atomic numbers.
Atomic numbers are determined (決定される)by the number of protons(陽子) in the nucleus of an atom of the element, which is also the number of electrons.
<Meiji Restoration 1868-1912>
Many Japanese were outraged(憤慨した) over treaties(条約) the shogun made with Westerners.
Ii Naosuke punished (処罰した)people who did so (the Ansei Purge) and he was assassinated(暗殺された) outside the Sakuradamon Gate.
This gave the sonno joi movement a sudden boost(高まり) and an attempt(試み) was made to form a coalition government (公武合体の政府).
But an anti-Tokugawa movement was gathering momentum(勢い).
The samurai in southern Japan began attacking European ships and a full rebellion (反乱)began.
In 1867, the revels overthrew(倒した) the Tokugawa shogunate.
In 1868, a 15-year-old prince was named emperor.
He took the name Meiji, meaning “enlightened rule."
This signified(示した) the return, or restoration(復活), of the emperor's rule.

23 November

Last week many student-teachers came to our school to learn how to teach. Each of them taught us various subjects for a week and we had a very good time. Our school has three opportunities a year for the training of student-teachers. Our teachers spent much busier days than usual to instruct student-teachers. (1) Many students in many elite high schools nationalwide may not be able to g******* next March because their schools have not provided them with all c********* subjects, such as a world h******, officials said Oct.25.
(高校必修科目未履修問題〜ヒント:卒業する 必修 歴史)

(2) The number p********** system for c******** users started Oct.24. Under the new system, users can switch from one operator to another without changing their phone number, although they will have to change their mobile e-mail address. (携帯番号持ち運び制度開始〜ヒント:持ち運び 携帯電話)  

(3)Fernando Alonso became a F****** O** champion for the second-straight time Oct.22 at the Brazilian Grand Prix.
<Changing Matter >
Matter can be changed in two ways: physically(物理的に) and chemically(化学的に).
Physically changes don't involve(含む) one substance (物質)changing into another.
Chemical changes occur when a substance is changed into something else.
Most chemical changes involve the outer electron layers of atoms.
But nuclear changes affect (影響する)the nucleus(核).
Sometimes a nucleus breaks apart.
This change is called nuclear fission(核分裂).
In a process called nuclear fission, nuclear energy is released(放出される) by splitting atoms.
Nuclear energy is locked into the nucleus of every atom.

(Unknown energy are still sleeping in many atoms.)
<The Opening of Japan>
In 1853, Captain Matthew Perry of the United States came to Japan.
Perry wanted a trade agreement(合意).
He brought four warships(軍艦) and large force(軍事力).
This strong military show both impressed and frightened the Japanese.
They gave Perry the trade treaty(条約) he wanted.
Japan soon signed similar trade agreements with other Western nations.
Isolation(孤立・鎖国) that had lasted for 200 years was broken.
22 October


Last week we had a big news concerning with our future.
It said that the students in some high schools in Japan (including Shizuoka) weren't taught compulsory subjects and false descriptions were carried out to the students' scorecards.
What caused such a situation?
Why are there compulsory subjects?
(1) The United Sates is willing to use its full m******* strength to d***** Japan after North Korea's recent nuclear test, U.S. S******** of State Rice said in Tokyo on Oct.18.

(2) A strong e********* shook Hawaii on Oct.15, cutting off p**** and blocking a major highway. The U.S. Geological Survey gave a preliminary m******** of 6.6.

(3) East Japan Railway Co. started using a d***** Oct. 16 that turns vibrations from footsteps into e**********, at JR Tokyo Station. JR East hopes to make good use of the e*****.
<Subatomic Particles and Quarks>
Protons, neutrons, and electrons are subatomic particles. Quarks are charged particles that make up protons and neutrons. There are six kinds, or flavors, of quarks: up, down, strange, charmed, top and bottom. And there are six lepton particles such as electron, μ(ミュ-),τ(タウ), electron-neutrino, μ-neutrino, τ-neutrino, too.
<The Opium Wars 1839-1842>
Because the Chinese wouldn't trade with Western nations, the British smuggled opium from India into China. Many Chinese became addicted to the illegal drug. The Chinese government tried to stop the trade of this habit-forming drug, but their laws weren't obeyed. In 1839, Chinese troops destroyed millions of dollar's worth of British opium. This led to the Opium Wars and three years of fighting between China and England. The British won easily, and in 1842 a peace treaty was signed. The Treaty of Nanking gave the island oh Hong Kong to England and the opening of five Chinese ports to foreign trade.
21 October

Last week even the only candidate to chairperson wasn't able to get recognition.
I think it very bad to prolong our school elections.
We must think of the future of our school more earnestly, without using our elections as a kind of play.
(1) Prime Minister Abe met top ******* leaders in Beijing (10/8). He is the first ******* Japanese prime minister to choose ***** as the destination of his first overseas trip.

(2) North Korea threatened more ******* tests and said that it would consider more sanctions an act of war. Japan ***ned all N-Korean ******* -such ***** and m********.

(3) Internet ****** ****** Google will but YouTube for $1.65 b******. Experts, however, say that YouTube may face problem in the future because of copy-right issues.

All atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons, except for one type of hydrogen atom, which has no neutron. But not all atoms have the same numbers of these particles. So far, scientists have discovered 109 atoms with different combinations of protons, neutrons, and electrons and different properties. These 109 substances are called elements.
<Cause of the Civil War in America 1861-1865>
1. Slavery: Although most Southerners didn't own slaves and most Northerners weren't abolitionists, slavery was at the heart of most major issue dividing N & S.
2. Ways of life: In both N & S, most people lived on small farms. But in N, there were several large cities where many people worked in factories. In S there were many plantations worked by slaves.
3. Free labor vs. Slave labor: The N-economy was based on free labors who could work where they chose and received a wage. The S-economy was based on slave labors who weren't free to leave and received food and lodging but no wages.
4. States' right: The N thought that no state had a right to leave the Union (連邦), or secede. The S argued that a state could leave the Union if it vote to do so.
◎More than 600000 Americans died in this war, more than in any other U.S.war.

In the first election four candidates fought over the seat of president of our student union.
But they received almost the same number of votes.
So in the second round two candidates with the most votes fought over the presidency last Thursday.
However, neither of them could get enough votes to win.
It was back to starting blocks.
(1) Japan urged ***** Korea on Oct. 4 to stop its ******* programs. But it has been conducting the terrible test since Oct. 9. It's a serious t***** to the p**** and s*****.

(2) Two Americans won the Novel ***** in physics Oct. 3 for measuring the oldest light in the u*******, which is a feat that convinces the big - bang theory.

(3) Napster started a Japanese service Oct. 3 aimed at getting into the growing demand for download ***** in Japan and *****ing up with *****'s iTunes.
<Molecules, Combination and Compound>
Atoms often group together with other atoms into molecules. Some molecules are made up of the same element. Other are made up of combinations of elements. Molecules can contain anywhere from two to thousands of atoms. Any substance made up of two or more different elements is called a compound

<The Age of Napoleon 1799 〜 1815>
In 1799, at the age of 30, Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French government. He prepared a new constitution and became First Consul. He changed the tax system and instituted new laws, called the Napoleonic Code. This code made laws the same all over France and put an end to the special treatment of nobles. Then he began wars to gain new lands. In 1804, he changed the republic into an empire and crowned himself Emperor Napoleon 1. At the height of his power, France controlled much of Europe. But four European countries joined forces to stop him, succeeding in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium. He was exiled to the small island until his death and could not see his gate 'the Arch of Triumph'.

19 October


Last Friday we held a term closing ceremony and we got report cards.
Some of us felt very happy thanks to the white cards.
Others experienced the ultimate sadness because of them.
Even if we do our best, the cards don't always smile at us.
They are a little mysterious.
We must not be disheartened by them.
(1) Newly elected ***** ******** Shinzo Abe launched his new ******* on Sept.26, retaining ******* ******** Taro Aso. Support ranging for Mr.Abe was from 63 to 70 %.

(2) The Nara ******** court sentenced Kaoru Kobayashi to ***** Sept. 26 for the ****** of a 7-year-old girl in Nara. He ******ped the girl and drowned her.

(3) A team of French doctors performed the first ********* on a human being in Zero ******* conditions Sept. 27. They removed a cyst from the arm of a man.
<Parts of an atom>
At the center of an atom is a core called a nucleus.
The nucleus is made up of particles called protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive electrical charge.
Neutrons have no charge.
Now scientists know that electrons don't move in regular orbits like our solar system orbit around the sun, but move around the nucleus in electron clouds.

<Cause of the French Revolution>
1. The absolute control of the king and his court was an unfair system of government, which was bankrupt.
2. The rich people (church and nobles) paid few taxes, while the common people paid most of the taxes.
3. The extravagance of the rich and the misery of the poor were extreme. When the king needed even more taxes, the common people refused.
4. Due in part to France's feudal arrangements, food was scarce and bread was very high priced by the summer of 1789.
5. The National Assembly was formed to break from the king and form a new government based on a constitution.

No Date Last Week Topic The remarkable news from
Last week's Weekly ST
My Favorite English Song English Math Question
English Joke
18 October
Last Friday was an open school day.
Our parents visited our classroom to watch our English lesson.
Ms.Suzuki and Simon gave us a very interesting lesson.
We could enjoy word quizzes and two story-making games in cooperation with teammates divided into 10 groups.
Our parents enjoyed our lesson, too.
Many parents said,“We wish we had had such a wonderful English lesson in our schooldays.”
(Japanese News)
Shinzo Abe was elected head of the Liberal Democratic Party by a land-slide Sept. 20, a victory that is expected to lead to his election as prime minister.

(World News)
Thailand's military overthrew Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Sept. 19. The sudden, well-orchestrated and bloodless coup, which was carried out while Thaksin was in New York.

Many people queued up and ate gyudon beef bowls at a Yoshinoya fast-food restaurant in Tokyo on Sept.18, as it served U.S. beef after a two -year break because of a government-imposed ban.
素直になれなくて(by Chicago)
1969年にアルバム『シカゴの軌跡』でレコード・デビューし、1982年にこの「素直になれなくて」が全米No.1ヒット。そして、なんと今年4月26日には約15年ぶりのオリジナル・ニューアルバム・Chicago 30を発表。CMでも使われたりと今年はChicagoに大注目です。
(English Joke) 
Three men were stranded on an island.
One day, a genie popped out and said, "I'll
give each of you one wish."
The first man said," I want to go back home," and he disappeared.
So did the second man.
The third man said,
"I feel lonely and I want my two friends to come back!"
11 12

7.**** change車線変更
8.** quiet..静かにして
11.春です。** is spring.
13.peace *****和平会議
14.bank *****紙幣

4.Time ** money.
13.from time ** time
17 September
Last Friday we had a field day.
Eighth-graders took part in cavalry-style relay races,long rope jumping, etc.
To our surprise, in the long rope jumping contest, we succeeded in jumping ten more times (34 times) than our practices record.
Furthermore, as our red team won the first prize, we felt so happy that we hugged each other.
(Japanese News)
The number of reported cases of violence by primary school students at public schools in Japan increased by 128 from a year earlier to 2018 in academic year 2005, research by the education ministry showed Sept.13. This marks a record high for the third consecutive year.

(World News)
More than 60 years after the Nazis shut down Germany's only rabbinical school, the first rabbis were ordained Sept. 14 in a ceremony welcomed by many people.

Ultraman, Ultraman Mebius and Ultra seven, along with monster Zarab Seizin (one of the worst enemies), pray Sept. 13 at Hie Shrine in Tokyo that their next movie will be a big hit.
I Believe
(by Tata Young)
「I Believe」をアジア圏10カ国で発売して爆発的な大ヒット。アメリカでもPop Divaとして注目されています。
(Math Question)

How many times as large as the original figure is the area of a triply magnified figure of a rectangle?

When tossing a coin three times, how many permutations of heads and tails are possible?
10 11 12 13
15 16

1.He *** books.
3.very important person
5.self importance
14.recorder の略

1.of him
6.the earth
8.what person
16 September
As the first-term tests results were returned to us last week, we were alternately experienced great happiness and felt very miserable at the results.
To achieve a convincing result we need much effort
nd must not be overconfident in our abilities.
The most important thing about the tests is not the comparison with other students but whether we could improve on last year's results or not, I think.
(Japanese News)
Princess Kiko gave birth to the royal family's first male heir in four decades Sept, 6.

Her boy-baby is third in line to the throne after Crown Prince Naruhito and Prince Akishino.

(World News)
Europe's first spacecraft to the moon successfully ended its three-year mission Sept. 3 by crashing into the surface of the moon. Its primary mission was testing a new ion propulsion system.

The world population will continue to grow to well over 9 billion by 2050, the United Nations Population Fund predicts in its annual report (Sept.6). But the population of Japan is set to decline by 16 million over the same period, the report said.
You can't hurry love. (by Phil Collins) 60年代の曲にはフィフティーズの時代のアメリカのはじけるようなエネルギーが残っていて聞いていると元気になります。 (English Joke)
The police said, "Your license says that you need to wear glasses. Why don't you have them on?"

The driver said," I have contacts. "

The police said, "I don't care if you know the President! I'm writing you a ticket anyway!"
12 13 14 15
16 17
18 19

*** a bank
9.she and I
19.定食*** meal

2.*** and only
3.** a nose
4.**** speaker拡声器
5.subtract の反対
8.吹奏楽団***** band
12.nothing の反対
14.They *** kind.
15 September
Practice of the next athletic meet started last Monday, and we also had a first-term test last Thursday.
In addition, as the 9th-graders took a scholastic ability investigation test last Monday, they had a very hard time.
I heard that their test included some questions about introducing Japanese culture.
(Japanese News)
METI issued an emergency order Aug. 28 for Paloma Industries to recall its defective gas water heaters. This is in connection with 21 deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning.

(World News)
Though this news (having arrested the murder investigated for a long time) was the biggest when I was in Omaha in the US, prosecutors Aug. 28 dropped their case against John Mark Karr in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, saying DNA tests didn't show he was at the crime scene.

Pluto has been stripped of its status as a planet. The International Astronomical Union, adding three new planets to the Solar System, downgraded the ninth rock from the Sun.

Time after time (by Cyndi Lauper)多くの人がカバーしている80年代ポップスですが、最近はまたCMに使われ流行しています。アメリカでも70年代80年代の曲がたくさん流れていました。 (Math Question)
Matches will be held among 5 classes. Each class will meet each of the other classes only once. How many combinations of matches will there be?
10 11
13 ** 14

4.お黙り!Shut ** !
12.言わば as it ****
13.Let it **.名曲

4.It is no *** crying over spilt milk.
8.He ***** this bike.
14 July
We camped in Motosu Lake from July 11th to 13th. We had much difficulty in building a fire to cook our meals, but we were very happy to be able to somehow manage to make a fire and eat them. The most impressive thing was A-group leader's performance in the play for entertainment. We will never forget this camp forever. (Japanese News)
Japan's most famous soccer player, Hidetoshi Nakata, announced his retirement on July 3. Nakata said," It really sunk in after Japan's 4-1 defeat by Brazil that it was my last."

(World News)
North Korea fired seven ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan on July 5. The move drew more international concern about N-Korea's nuclear weapons and will further isolate N-Korea.

The first train from Beijing to Lhasa, Tibet, finished an arduous journey along the world's highest railway on July 3. In the low pressure, pens spit ink, packaged foods burst and some passengers threw up.

(by Connie Francis) 

(English Joke)
Doctor: Would you like the good news or bad news?

Patient: Give me the good news.

Doctor: You've only got three weeks to live.

Patient: If that's the good news, what's the bad news?

Doctor: I should have told you two weeks ago. 
11 12 13
15 16

1. Curved shape
6. sick
8.A cup of ---
16. Oh, my ---!

1.有名なボクサーの名 前
3. Not anything
9.I の同音異義語
13. Color of blood
13 July
We have been doing English reading marathon for six weeks, using SRA Reading Laboratory 1C's stories. As we are rarely given our homework by teachers in our school, it seems to be very hard for us to keep on reading. But reading stories gives us much knowledge and much pleasure, so we should enjoy reading more. (Japanese News)
Mino Monta, 61, has been chosen by Forbes as one of the world's top celebrities of the last 100 years, joining the likes of M Monroe and A Einstein, (6/26).

(World News)
A Tsunami warning system for the whole of the Indian Ocean, including 26 national tsunami information centers and 25 seismographic stations, is now running.

Gindaco chain's first U.S. store will open in Los Angeles in 2007. As there's definitely an Asian food boom in the U.S. now, it is said that octopus would be able to catch on.
Overnight Success

(by Teri Desario)

(Math Question)
@The result of dividing 6x by 2 is 15. What is the value of x?

AThe weight of a box containing 6 chocolates was 1 kg. The weight of the box only was 460g. Let x be the weight of 1 chocolate, then write an equation to find it.
10 11
12 13 14
15 16

9. From top - bottom
10. Hit-__-miss

1. Opposite to "duller" 
3. again ---again 4.〜中に
5. Comes back 
7. Opposite of wins
12 July
Last week we practiced many works for us to do in the school camp in Motosu Lake.
The group for tents practiced pitching tents, the group for cooking practiced wood chopping and so on.
All the roles are equally difficult and important for us.
We must do our missions as hard as possible under any circumstances.
(Japanese News)
Brazilian legend Zico's four years in charge of Japan ended in humiliation June 22 after a 1-4 defeat to Brazil. The road to the top class of the World Cup is long for Japan.

(World News)
Many people in the refugee camp in Sudan are squeezed to watch the TV broadcasts of the World Cup in a rickety hut, at the fee - 50 dinars (less than \30, but expensive for people there).

Unofficial World Cup voodoo dolls are on sale in Germany that allow soccer fans to put curse on their enemy teams. Who in the world used the dolls to put curse on Japan team ?!!!

Surfin' USA

(by The Beach Boys)

(English Joke)

Teacher: What's the difference between ignorance and indifference?

Student: I don't know and I don't care.

Teacher: You are late again. Why are you so...?
Student: I saw the sign on the way, 'School ahead. Go slow.'
11 12 13
14 15

7.A number of books --- written by him.

5.Opposite of "no"
14.Time -- money.
15.-- quiet !!
11 June
We decided our groups and roles for the school camp in Motosu Lake .
As we took part in the camp last year, we have more experience about the camp than the seventh-grade students.
So we think that we should make good use of our experience and make our camp happy and impressive for all, in cooperation with our seniors.

(Japanese News)
The Japan national soccer team was given a savage blow after a 1-3 defeat by Australia (6/12) and a 0-0 frustrating draw against Croatia (6/18) at the World Cup 2006.

(World News)
Angry soccer supporters in Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) attacked the electricity company's offices when the power failed just after the nation began its first-ever World Cup game.

A man, who robbed a Tokyo post office of \340000, returned out of guilt \10000 more than he stole and turned himself in 6/11. But his crime can't be erased by paying more.

I'd like to teach the world.

(by The New Seekers)

(Math Question) 
In order to make a cuboid with a length of 5 cm, a width of 9 cm, and a height of 3 cm, what kind of rectangles, and how many each, are necessary?
12 13

1.nearの opposite
5.You --- kind.
6.Color of fire
8.Do you 〜? Yes--
10.Box-shaped car
11.--carte アラカルト
12.Bob Sapp was an --- player.

1.other country
10 June
We began to have a consultation involving Teacher Y, our parent and us from last Monday. We talked about our effort, fault and aim frankly. We find that we are not what we were last year. The older we will be, the more sensible we will be. After the consultation, some of our classmates went home with our parent, talking in a more relaxed mood than usual. (Japanese News)
A 16-year-old boy was killed in a Tokyo apartment building after the elevator suddenly went up and he was caught between the elevator and the building.

(World News)
The World Cup 2006 has begun in Germany. 194 countries and regions took part in the preliminaries and 32 countries are in the finals. The first World Cup was held in 1930 in Uruguay, initiated by Jules Rimet, and it has been held every four years.

German mayor has banned Japanese fans from jumping into the Rhine River during the World Cup.

How do you do it ?

(by Gerry & The Pacemakers)

(English Joke) 
What do you call a bee born in May?
A maybe.

Which bee is good for your body? Vitamin bee.

What did the mummy bee say to the baby bee?
Beehave yourself.

What did the confused bee say? To bee or not to bee.
10 11
12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19

9.−a result
17.I の複数形
18.stand の過去

2.Look - him.
19.- your best
9 June
The student-teachers (the third term) finished practicing teaching last Friday. As some of them came to our school to do teaching practices last year, they remembered us well. When they called our names, we were very happy. To have friendship with someone for a long time is more important than to make friends with someone, we realized. (Japanese News)
Too much demand for sushi from Japan may finish off stocks of red tuna that are already dangerously low in the Mediterranean, because of overfishing.

(World News)
More than 2 million children under the age of 15 have HIV, almost all in sub-Saharan Africa. The report said,“Most children with HIV will die before their fifth birthday.”

While Akihabara is now a center for male otaku, Ikebukuro is becoming a mecca for female otaku. The Swallowtail coffee house in Ikebukuro, where the “butler” leads the women to a table, has been a success, drawing more than 3000 customers in its first month.
I'm in the mood for dancing 

(by The Nolans)

(Math Question)
To make soup, soup concentrate and hot water are mixed together at the ratio of 2:5. How many milliliters of hot water is needed when there is 50 ml of concentrate?
10 11 12
13 14


8 June
English Reading marathon was started by our English teachers' recommendation last week. We will read SRA Reading Laboratory 1C's stories for about 12 weeks. These books are used in many countries for children to build essential reading skills. 1C level Orange is made for reading age 6.6. (Japanese News)
Neets are young people not in employment, education or training. Households with them will be excluded from income tax deductions for dependents.

(World News)
Serbia conceded that Montenegro had opted to split (5/22). So it became the world's newest independent state having a population of 650000.

French scientists discovered a new species of crustacean (between a shrimp and a lobster) that has thought to have become extinct 60 million years ago.

(by John Lennon) 

(English Joke) About ants

What's the biggest ant in the world? →An eleph-ant.

What kind of ant is good at addition? →An account-ant.

What do you call a 100-year-old ant? → An ant-ique.

How many ants are needed to fill an apartment? →Ten-ants.

What do you call a smart ant? →Eleg-ant.
11 12
13 14 15
16 17


3.compact disc
17.gran turismoの略
7 May
We(2-A members)played handball in P.E.. last week.
Some classmates are good at sports, and others are not.
But establishing good teamwork and doing our best is more important for us than winning.
In the modern world, good teamwork is needed in everything.
(Japanese News)
A 70-year-old Japanese climber (Takao Arayama) climbed Mount Everest, making him the oldest person in the world to do this.

(World News)
Gang violence gripped San Paulo in Brazil. Inmates took over 73 prisons and the death toll has reached 156 (including 40 police and prison guards).

Opus Dei (the Catholic organization) protests 'The Da Vinci Code'. It has called on the director to put a disclaimer that the plot is a work of fiction, but he has refused.

The Longest Time/ Uptown Girl

(by Billy Joel) 

(Math Question) 
The speed of sound is 340 meters per second. We heard the sound of thunder 5 seconds after the flash of lightning. How many kilometers is the distance from here to the lightning ?
11 12
13 14
15 16

8.Do you 〜?
11.large snake
16.弁護士 law---

9.-merit 短所
6 May
Last week we were sure that many of 2-A classmates had a strong sense of justice.
We always hope that our school will be better and think that we should give our opinion of the wrong things which we can't connive at.
(Japanese News)
Sony Computer Entertainment said its PS3 would go on sale in Japan on Nov.11. Nintendo has also announced it will release its new machine 'Wii'.

(World News)
Scientists reported the dolphins can call each other by name when they whistle and they are the only animals other than humans known to recognize such identity information.

In New York City 'Baby Love Disco event' is held at least for one afternoon a

month. The event's organizers said,"This is the urban version of camping and hiking."

(by Timothy B. Schmit)

(English Joke 1) What's the difference between a hunter and a fisherman?
−A hunter lies in wait and a fisherman waits and lies.
(English Joke 2) What's the difference between a marathon runner and a commuter?
−One trains for runs, the other runs for trains.
12 13 14
15 16

9. ひざ
12Yes,ー. 〜卿
15.go ー a picnic

12.Is that ー ?
5 May
39student teachers came to our school last week (5/8).
Three of them came to our class,(Ms.Mannen, Ms.Kayanuma and Mr.Tajima).
They are not so much teachers as 'brothers or sisters' to us.
As they have many good things for us to learn, we want to talk much with them to know them well.
(Japanese News)
The city of Minamata marked the 50th anniversary of the Minamata mercury-poisoning disease and many people attended the service.

(World News)
U.S.President G.W.Bush had an emotional meeting on April 28 with families of Japanese people kidnapped by North Korean agents.

A young Georgian wrestler pulled two minibuses, tied to his left ear, over a distance of 41.1m, trying to make a new entry in the Guinness Book.
The Loco-Motion

( by Little Eva )

(Math Question) NEW CROWN中2の付録9ページを参考に

Among the five quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus ), which is the one where two congruent triangles can be made when divided by a diagonal ?
11 12 13 14
16 17

3.−, step, jump !
10.flying saucer
16.I have no brother −sister.

9.old の反対
12.long long −
Last week we had 'Golden Week' holidays.
Probably many of us thought two days' school life very very short because we couldn't join our club activities, have a happy talk with our classmates and enjoy our school's unique lessons for GW holidays.
(Japanese News)
Japan will pay around \3 trillion for the overall U.S. military realignment in Japan. It will be 6.5 times as much as U.S's share.

(World News)
Zidane (33), A famous soccer player, announced," I'll retire after FIFA World Cup Germany 2006," on the French TV program (4/25).

Antoinette from Canada ruled at the Moscow piglet Olympics, outshining competitors from as far afield as China and South Africa.
Beautiful Sunday

( by Daniel Boone )

(English Joke)
Teacher: Tom, give the formula for water.

Tom: Yes,sir. HIJKLMNO.

Teacher: Whatever are you driving at ? Do you think you're in the Kindergarten?

Tom: No,sir. Yesterday you said it was " H to O."
11 12 13
14 15 16


3 May
Though we(2-A) didn't have a special event, we spent last week studying hard, taking exercise and talking with our classmates.
Our discussion gave us many chances to know each other well.
We will be more intimate friends day by day.
(Japanese News) 
A former Imperial Japanese Army soldier− Ishinosuke Uwano− returned to Japan from Ukraine for the first time in 63 years.(4/19)

(World News)
Chinese President called for closer ties between his country and the United States in U.S. visit, talking with Bill Gates and George Bush.

The bones of the biggest meat-eating dinosaur (Mapusaurus roseae)were founded in the Patagonia region of Argentina.
Take on Me

(by A- Ha)

(Math Q)
This is a plane figure question. What is the circumference of a circular pond which has a radius of 7m? Calculate using 3.14 for π.
11 12 13
14 15 16
18 19

1.− as a bee
6.Happy New −
10.- is a cute girl.
14.− you happy?
15.− your book.

3.like as two −
4.− a walk
2 April
Last week many news papers were issued by the clerks in charge of various subjects.
Some of them introduced the members to us and others told us the lesson's summary, a new knowledge and so on.
(Japanese News)
The Japanese government said that the husband of Megumi Yokota is most likely a South Korean man abducted by the North.

(World News)
Life in Zimbabwe is the shortest in the world because of Aids and poverty. Neither men nor women are expected to live to 40.

The world's biggest English Village was opened in the north of Seoul in March. We can experience an real English life by speaking only English.

Yellow River

(by Christie)

イギリスポップスの70年代を代表する曲で、メロディーも歌詞もとても覚えやすいです。Lovely DayというオムニバスCDの中に入っていました。
(English Joke )
Customer:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup !!

Waiter1: That's all right,sir. It can swim.
Waiter2: That's all right,sir. How much can a fly drink ?
Waiter3: That's all right,sir.There in no extra charge.
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1 April
The new school year began on April 6th.
Our homeroom teacher is Mr. Yokotagawa, a math teacher, from Shimada city.
At first, we formed the organization for our school life.
And through the recreation in the Sumpu Park, we were sure that we would be good friends.
4/14 Fri. ALTのサイモン先生が来て、自己紹介の後、先生にいくつ英語で質問が出来るかを班ごとに競って楽しんだ。

(math Q)
We can divide 16apples and 12 oranges into equal groups with no remainders.
How many people can share them?
What is the largest number of people that can share them?



Stand By Me
The Never Ending Story
Daydream Believer
Take Me Home,Country Roads
Saturday Night
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
I Just Called To Say I Love You
I Have A Dream

2005年度に書いた英字新聞はこちらをクリック→1−A TIMES

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