

No Last Week's Topic Let's read the news from last week's Weekly ST! Let's explain Japanese culture in English!!
Raiga's comment 英語係から〜

On March 5th and 6th, most of our classmates took the entrance examination for the public high school. Eighty students, about half of our school, took the exam of Shizuoka High School. All of us wish there would be Shizuoka University Affiliated Shizuoka High School like Hiroshima University. Our school has much freedom and various talents. Our school mates are the most interesting and intellectual students in Shizuoka. I am sorry we must be separated at this time. (1)成人年齢の引き下げ検討開始〜A government advisory board began studying the possibility of lowering the legal age of adulthood from 20 to 18. This will affect the age at which people can legally drink alcohol or smoke. If the board agrees to lower the legal age, the government may also lower the age at which people can vote. At the moment, only those 20 and older can vote in national and local elections. (政府の諮問機関・投票する) 2/22・ST

(2)価格高騰による食料援助減少で途上国に深刻な影響〜The World Food Program is saying that rising food prices mean many of the world's poorest people are unable to afford food and may have to restrain food aid. Food prices rose by 40% during 2007. Transportation costs, global warming and biofuels cause this situation. In Afghanistan, most people can't buy bread.
<What are these annual events?>
Driving away demons and draw in happiness. Eat as many beans as your age.→?
Families with girls celebrate their daughters' good health and growth.→?
Families with boys display the dolls and put up carp streamers to pray for success in life.→?
It's based on the legend with Altair and Vega. Write down your wishes on strips of fancy paper.→?
A Buddhist event. At this time, the spirits of ancestors are said to return home.→?
Enjoy viewing the full moon and celebrate the good harvest.→?
 英語新聞を続けている間には、次に書く話題が決まらずに悩んだり、難しい話を並べただけの独りよがりになってしまって後で反省したりと、本当にいろいろな思いをしました。でも、作り続けたことで、英語を読むのも書くのも日本語とほぼ同じような気持ちで出来るようになりましたし、この新聞作りを通して学んだことで、英検準1級の合格まであと6点、秋に初挑戦したTOEICで615点をとることが出来ました。 将来、他の分野に進んでも英語を母国語のように使いこなし、世界の人々に自分の考えをきちんと伝えたいというのが僕の夢なのでこれからも一生懸命頑張ります。3年間ありがとうございました。

On February 5th and 6th in 2008, we took the entrance examination for the Private high schools. And most of us got the certificates of conformance on February 14th. Some of us determined to go to the Private high schools and started to learn for high schools. Many of us started dashing toward the entrance exam of the public high school that was our end goals. I think that learning for the entrance exam is like marathon. From December to the end of January we 3-A have run behind the runners of other classes to avoid the strong wind such as our parents' excessive expectation. The time came when we must dash for our dreams. Let's run to the utmost, and win the certificates of conformance of the public high schools with all the classmates!!
(1) 15年前の手紙が送り主の元に〜In November 1993 in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Natsumi Shirahige tied a letter to a balloon and let it fly away. She was in elementary school. Fifteen years later, the letter was returned to her after it was discovered by a fisherman in Chiba Prefecture. The letter had been stuck to a shark-skin flounder. (サメガレイ) 2/8・ST

(2)中国製餃子から新たな農薬検出〜Another type of pesticide has been found in gyoza dumplings that were made by Tianyang Food, sources said Feb.5. Police continue to investigate whether the gyoza were deliberately poisoned with pesticide. They have discovered holes in some of the packages. This shows the food could have been tampered with. Police say the pesticides were too concentrated to be just residue from farming. Officials from China and Japan have been meeting to discuss how to proceed with the investigation. (農薬・天洋食品・意図的に・混入された・高濃度すぎる・散布・すすめる) 2/15/ST

If someone did this terrible thing to make the friendship between China and Japan worse and worse, we must find the criminal and must recover the trust between people in two countries.
<Products from soybeans>
1. Soak soybeans in water and make it soft. 2. Grind and strain it to make soymilk. 3. Add some coagulating agents. →What was made?

1. Add malted rice and salted water to soybeans and wheat. 2. After making moromi, it is fermented for one year. 3. It is extracted by squeezing the moromi. →What was made?

1. Add malted rice and salt to streamed soybeans. 2. Ripen to make it.→What was made?

Blue and clear sky we all hope to leave to our children as it' s now.
On the morning of August even shadows were burned up by the flash and heat.
Dear father, Dear mother, Dear brothers and sisters!
We pray for your souls everyday and every night so long as we live.
Blue and clear sky we all hope to leave to our children as it's now.
From the earth ending all wars in order not to take any lives for peace for love for friendship of all.
Let's take hand in hand and sing songs of human heart all friend over the world.

2008 started in the middle of our hardship for the entrance exam for high schools.
To examine the result we got this winter vacation, we had the last proficiency test on January 9th. After that we had the four days' vacation (the special holidays for our school entrance exam). What do you think most of classmates did during this short vacation? Time flies. Though many other things have individual difference, do you know the time we spend is equal for all the living things, don't you?
(1)福田首相がYouTubeで英語メッセ−ジ〜Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda has begun posting English-language messages on Internet site YouTube. He is trying to raise Japan's international profile. He does not smile much in his first clip, in line with his dour image. The clip is part of the "You Tube LDP Channel," launched in December by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). 1/11ST ・・・<Though I watched this on my ipodTouch last week, I felt the Prime Minister should have humor sense and cheerful smile!!>
(2)世界一のブログ大国、日本〜The Japanese have gone blog-wild. There are fine times more English speakers who use blogs than Japanese speakers who use blogs. But more blog postings are written in Japanese than in English. Why? An expert says that the diary habits runs so deep in Japan that it transformed blogging from an aggressive American-style lecture to a non-confrontational Japanese-style personal narrative. In the process, blogging became very popular with Japan's huge middle class. 1/11ST
<Traditional Japanese Articles>
・Made of thin bamboo sticks and paper, these foldable lanterns were portable lights before, but nowadays are used in festivals or as ornaments.→
・A kimono-style short coat with quilting regularly worn by those living in cold areas.→
・An old-style manual calculator. The ball on the top line indicates "five" while the lower balls indicate "one " each. Calculations are made based on the decimal system→
"New business made us happy in the world! 〜YouTube's kindness."

Capitalism(資本主義) brought us greater wealth and more desire. As the main point of capitalism is personal benefit(利益), it causes various conflicts(衝突) and wars. It sometimes kept us from living peacefully. If the owners of companies don't think their benefit, however, their companies will go bankrupt(倒産) soon.
There are two men who overturned (覆した)this common sense of capitalism. They are YouTube's owners; Steve Chen (from Taiwan, an Oriental man) and Chad Hurley (a Western man). They began YouTube to show their party's personal clip to their friends. And they changed the net video system for their parents to watch their personal videos easily. Their business was born from not profit pursuit but their kindness. Now, many people in the world enjoy YouTube beyond skin's color, religions and cultures. Their kindness produced new business style and gave many people happy time. This new business may make the door to open the peace world. Please watch their humorous comment on YouTube !!     


Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year for all of us
of 3-A !!

December seems to be more thrilling than exciting. We took the second ninth-grade achievement test Dec. 3 and were given the results of the test Dec. 4. The results made us relieved or depressed. Most of us don't like exams but we noticed that mistakes in the practice-exams told us our weak points. And we were given report cards for the high-school entrance exam Dec. 5. They also made us happy or unhappy. Now we feel as if we were riding the most dangerous roller coaster in the world but we know that we can't get it off and must do our best.
Last Tuesday we took part in the school chorus concert in the middle-size hall of the citizens. We 3-A sang the song " ANATAWA KAZE". We sang the song with the decision of not being defeated by hardship and uneasiness. When our parents, who feel the same uneasiness as us, listened to our representative's story and our song, they laughed very much and seemed to be a little relieved.
(1)医療機関で英語の使用が増加〜The Japan Cancer Association is holing more of its events in English. About one-sixth of its events are held in English. A growing number of medical associations in Japan are using English so that the results of their research can be recognized internationally. 12/7 ST
(2) OECD学力調査で高1前回下回る〜Japanese first-year high school students on Dec. 4 were ranked lower than before in reading, science, and mathematics in an international survey by OECD. They fell from sixth to 10th in mathematics. Japan had been first in mathematics in 2003. 12/14 ST
<The New Year Events>
A special New Year's soup with rice cakes, vegetables, etc. →
Sake steeped in herbs. Drinking it on New Year's Day was thought to prevent illness.→
People visit shrines and temples to pray for health and happiness for the coming year.→
Specially prepared New Year's food, beautifully arranged in lacquer boxes.→
A game like badminton for two people, where the shuttlecock is hit with the wooden racket.→
The first calligraphy of the year is conducted on Jan.. People write their resolutions →
It is the custom of parents, grandparents or relatives giving money to children.→  
"To live peacefully"

When we fight with others in exams, study, sports, business, politics and so on, we have strong passions and hostility. They make us stronger than ever and we can sometimes achieve unbelievable things. Namely having a rival makes us better. But too aggressive and wicked hostility causes the worst things; wars, prejudice, discrimination, economic discrepancy, environmental destruction and etc. When we fight with ourselves, we don't have wicked hostility. To live peacefully, all of us should always pay attention to not others but ourselves, I think. When we stop the competition with others, we will get the real peace in our hearts.


On 19th November the pictures for our graduation albums were taken at school. Each of us felt how short three school years were. All of us can't go to the same high school. Our separation is inevitable. When we live different lives, our graduation album will remind us of our junior high school days' memories and makes us energetic. (卒業・避けがたい・元気に)
(1)民主小沢代表続投表明〜Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa reversed his decision to step down as leader of the opposition and apologized Nov. 7. Ozawa had offered to step down Nov. 4. Two days earlier he had met with Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to discuss a possible alliance with Fukuda's Liberal Democratic Party -New Komeito ruling coalition.

(2)浦和レッズ、日本初のACL制覇〜Urawa Reds defeated Sepahan of Iran 2-0 on Nov. 14 to win the AFC Champions League (ACL). This was the second leg of the two-game final, and it was held in Saitama in front of a crowd of nearly 60000 people at Saitama Stadium. "We have achieved something great," Reds manager Holger Osieck said,"Something that has never been done before in Japan." Urawa will now play in the Club World Cup, which will be held in Japan in December. It is the first time a Japanese club will participate in this tournament. (破った・第二戦・観客・成し遂げた・参加する)
Judo developed as a samurai art of self-defense in the Edo period. Using judo, one can defend oneself from attack, catch the opponent and defeat him without the use of weapons. In the early Meiji period, Kano Jigoro not only established judo as a sport, but also founded Kodokan judo which aims for both physical and mental strength. Judo is now world-class sport.

What are these skills in Japanese?

Shoulder throw→  
Major outer cut → 
Diagonal hold→  
"Is human beings' peace more valuable than other living things' peace?"

 Talking of peace, most of us hope that there will be no wars in the world and all the people will live happily. But we must not forget that human beings are the worst creatures for the earth. I had been studying little slugs that many people disliked, for four years, when I was in the elementary school. In my study, I noticed that human beings were the most selfish, made weapons and contaminants to satisfy their desires, produced many wars and various environmental pollution, changed the healthy earth into the sick earth, and killed not only people of the same kinds but also the other kinds of creatures. In addition, people still hope to live happier lives than ever. Now we should think what is the peace for all the living things on earth.
On Oct. 29 and Nov. 5 we took part in the briefing of high schools at school. We knew that about 120 seniors in our school took an examination of Shizuokagakuen High School and about 40 of them entered the school every year.
And we knew that about 60 - 70 seniors in our school entered Shizuoka High School every year.
According to Shizuoka H S teacher's story, our seniors are taking an active part as leaders but don't like cleaning and they are very argumentative and much self-conceited. Three points fit most of us, too.

(1)全国学力調査・応用に課題〜In national testing, students in the sixth grade of elementary school and the third year of junior high school earned high marks in basic knowledge, but didn't do so well in applied skills in mathematics and the Japanese language, the education ministry said Oct. 24. Shizuoka JHS students' math came in the eighth place, the Japanese language - the seventh.

<HAIKU> Haiku, a Japanese poetic form, developed from renga, the first part of which became an independent unit. It consists of 17 syllables (5-7-5 syllables) and has to contain kigo, a word that expresses a season.  
Taken by the morning glory, the well bucket, I have to ask someone for water. →
Baby sparrows, get out of the way, a horse is coming.→
An old pond, the sound of water, a frog jumps in.→



<あなた(の学校)から次(の学校)へ送る際に、発信元であるshizuoka-fuchu@+++.jp にも同じメールを必ず送って下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。)
 僕達は、日本の静岡県静岡市にある静岡大学教育学部附属静岡中学校の三年生です。僕達は学校の英語の授業で、地雷の問題や平和の尊さや戦争を恐ろしさを学びました。僕達は消極的な平和願望ではなく、積極的な平和への取り組みをしていこうと考えました。そして、僕達は、世界中の同じ世代〜学校に通う仲間に、平和へのメッセージのバトンを渡していったらどうかと考えました。このメールのバトンが、世界の未来を担う僕達若者が、本当の平和を考える良い機会になったらと思ったからです。下のような形で、学校から学校へ(生徒から生徒へ)、このメールを送り、必ず英語で、メッセージをつけ加えていって下さい。(英語は一番多くの国の方が読むことが出来るので) たくさんのメッセージが集まったら、ぜひ平和を支える大きな機関に送りたいと僕達は考えています。

−− <ここから上はそのまま次の学校にまわして下さい>−−
発信元 (静岡大学附属静岡中学校3年/日本・静岡県静岡市・)
Lately we have studied many things about peace and Iraq in English lessons. October's song 'Zero landmine' is also the song which makes us think of peace. What we must have now is not passive wish for peace but positive wish for peace. For example, we can make our blog-page to appeal peace. And we can send our school's mail to other schools, which add their comment and send the e-mail to next school. Our e-mail will extend to many countries radially ,transcending national borders. What do you think of this idea? (1)民営郵政がスタート Japan began privatization of its postal system Oct., creating the world's largest commercial bank in an attempt to make Japan's banking sector more competitive. Under the 10-year privatization plan, Japan Post will be broken into four businesses: an insurance company, saving bank, mail courier and post office management firm.

(2)小4〜中1でうつ4.2% Up to 4.2 percent of students between the fourth grade of elementary school and the first year of junior high school suffer either depression or manic-depression. The rate reached 10.7 percent for first-year junior high students. The research team interviewed 738 students in Hokkaido. It was the first large-scale epidemiological study.
Origami is one of Japan's traditional paper-craft arts. You can make many shapes simply by folding a small square of paper, without using paste and scissors. Children are taught how to make origami by their parents or grandparents. Sometimes they learn in kindergarten or preschool. 

1.Prepare a piece of square paper.
2. Make a triangle.
3. Make a smaller square.
4. Fold up to each top.
5. Fold back a little.
6. Fold up the facing bottom flap.
7. Fold the same flap again.
8. Fold the other flap inside. 
What was made? → □□□□□□□ □□□□□□
 中1の初めから続けてきた英語新聞『*-A TIMES』もいよいよ今学期が最後になります。1-A TIMESが34部、2-A TIMESが35部、今年度は前期に12部発行してきました。ここまで継続してこれたのは、僕を英語係にしてくださった皆さんのおかげと、僕に英語新聞の発行を許可して下さった鈴木千津子先生のおかげと心から感謝しています。今学期もがんばって発行していきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

「Zero Landmine」
by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Last Monday six people in charge of English in 3-A were chosen. Four members continue this work from the first term. Two new members joined the work. I will introduce them to you here, with their catchphrase and their comments (in alphabetical order, except for me).

☆Konosuke T (The cutest member who loves English) 
(* ^-^)ノ
I'll do anything that I can do.

☆Kozue M (The princess of English speech)
Let's make wonderful English classes!!  

☆Takuya O (The nice boy who suits Guam)
I'll do my best!

☆Yuki H (The master of English pronunciation)

Let's enjoy learning English ♪♪

☆Yuto M (The joyful youth whose smile has made foreigners in Shizuoka happy)
I'll do a lot of things to do as an English member!
( ^_^)>

☆Raiga O (The diligent publisher of 1-A/2-A/3-A TIMES) 
No Guts, No Glory. I'll get stuck in this work and make all possible efforts.

<We will do our best to give you such happy English classes as you can't forget for your lifetime. Please give us your support, cooperation and kindness.>
(1) 80歳以上の人口が700万人を突破〜The number of people in Japan at least 80 years old topped 7 million for the first time, accounting for 5.6 percent of the population, the government said Sept. 16. The country's centenarian population is expected to reach nearly 1 million - the world's largest - by 2050.
(2)世界柔道で谷が金メダル〜Ryoko Tani won the gold in the women's 48-kilogram category Sept. 16 to get her seventh career title at the World Judo Championships in Rio de Janeiro. She proved she had not lost her step, even after giving birth to her son, Yoshiaki, in 2005.

(3)福田氏が首相に就任〜Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda took office Sept. 26, promising to regain public faith in the government. In a boost for Fukuda, a poll showed the approval rating for his new Cabinet at 57 percent - almost 20 percentage points higher than his predecessor, Shinzo Abe.
Let's laugh
with humorous English jokes and puns!!
外国の豆知識をどうぞ! イラクについてのプリントを参考にパートナーに英語で説明をする。
Teacher: "Felix, when is the boiling point reached? "
Felix: "Just after my father reads my report card."
Teacher: "Final answer? "
Felix: "Final answer!!"
Teacher: "Correct answer!! That's right!!
My wife reaches the freezing point
just after she reads my paycheck stub."
Xlink Kai という名前を聞いたことがありますか。
Last Friday we had a field day of our school. For us (the nine-graders), it was the last JHS's field day. Especially we had been practicing our group dance and long-rope-jumping since September 6. On that day we (A-group) transformed ourselves into a big red dragon and caused the tornado in our playground.
Group relay race & Long-rope-jumping - we got very good points.
Group dance - we did our best, but the judgement wasn't so good.
The overall result - to our regret, we couldn't become the winner.
Though we couldn't win, we got the best points among the same-grade-classes and A-group leaders' talk made us very impressed. We appreciate them heartly.
(1)安倍首相の突然の辞任について〜After only a year in office, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Sept. 12 he would resign, saying it would be difficult to regain public trust and extend Japan's aid to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan. The announcement, made after abruptly canceling a question-and-answer session with opposition lawmakers, came as a surprise. Asked by The Los Angeles Times why Abe resigned, Hisahiko Okazaki, a former ambassador and adviser to Abe, said, "He didn't resign for any political reasons; he is simply exhausted, physically and mentally. He just gave up."

(2)日本で初めてのダイヤモンド発見〜Researchers at Nagoya University said Sept. 10 they have discovered a natural diamond for the first time in Japan in volcanic rock in Ehime Prefecture. The discovered diamond cannot be observed even using a microscope as its size is about one - thousandth of a millimeter.

(3)ロシアが最強の爆弾を開発・実験〜Russia has successfully tested what it described as the world's most powerful non-nuclear air delivered bomb, sources said Sept. 11. The new weapon, nicknamed the "dad of all bombs," is four times more powerful than the U.S. "mother of all bombs." All the children in the world will say that we don't need parents like these. To stop making bombs is more wonderful and more courageous than making the most powerful and worst bombs.

The teacher said, "It's obvious that you haven't studied your geography. What is your excuse?" / The student replied," My dad says the world is changing every day, so I thought it would be best if I waited until it settles down." youtubeと言えば、アマチュアが自分の好きな動画をネット上にアップし誰でも見られることから、著作権の事などいろいろな問題が起きましたが、現在のところは、「個人が家庭内で楽しむ範囲であれば違法でない」とされてきました。youtubeの利用者は今や世界規模になったので、歌手の中にはyoutubeのサイトに自ら新曲のビデオクリップを出し、そこからの人気を期待する人も出てくるようになりました。9月5日に発売されたipod touch という携帯の機械ではパソコンなしでもyoutubeが見られることをアピールしました。さらに、youtubeの動画を携帯電話やPSPのカードに入れて持ち歩けるように、youtubeのファイルを携帯機種用やPSP用に変えてくれるサイトも出てきました。しかし、9月21日の新聞発表では、このyoutubeなどネットからの音楽や動画の入手が日本では違法になるかもしれないというのです。アメリカからやってきたyoutube。インターネットは世界市場で、インターネット上の物は万人の共有財産という考えが行き渡っている今、日本だけ規制をかけることが出来るのでしょうか?
9/18〜9/20 プリントを使っての学習・9月の歌〜A place in the sun
September 3rd -- 7th, we had two tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. One was the ninth-grade achievement test and the other was our first school test. It was very hard for us to do our best for two tests. Our teachers are so kind and severe that they always show us our careless mistakes clearly without overlooking them. The day will come soon when we will have to thank them for their kindness.
September 10th -- 14th, we began to practice the group dance of a field day (9/21). The symbol of our group A is Red Dragon; HIRYU in Japanese. We bought class T-shirts designed by Ms. Sakurada. On a field day, we will wear them, unite our minds, become one big red dragon and go up to the first place!!
(1)今夏101地点で過去最高気温〜This year's summer sent temperatures at 101 observation points to record highs. The temperature at two points marked an all-time high of 40.9 degrees Celsius. The temperature in Tomakomai hit 35.5 and the temperature on Yonaguni Island hit 35, both reaching 35 for the first time.

(2)イチローが7年連続200本安打達成〜Seattle Mariner's Ichiro Suzuki reached 200 hits for the seventh straight season with a homer off New York Yankees' Roger Clemens in a 3-for-5 outing at Yankees Stadium in New York on Sept. 3.

(3)安倍首相ついに辞任〜Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, fighting approval rating nearly as low 20 percent, reshuffled his Cabinet on Aug. 27 to put experienced conservatives in top positions. But he has been hit by a string of money scandals leading to the resignations of Cabinet ministers. Last Wednesday (9/13) he told ruling party executives that he will step down as the nation's leader at last.

(4)朝青龍がモンゴルへ帰国〜Yokozuna Asashoryu arrived home in Mongolia from Japan on Aug. 29 to undergo treatment for a stress disorder.
A little boy returned from grocery shopping with his mom. While his mother put away the groceries, the little boy opened his box of animal crackers and spread them all over the kitchen table.
"What are you doing? "asked his mom.
"The box says you shouldn't eat them if the seal is broken," said the little boy. "I'm looking for the seal."
夏休み中は、長い旅行にも行かず、夏期講習にも行かず、数年ぶりにうちでたっぷり休みをとった英語係ライガですが、イアン君(7月はじめに僕達の学校に来てくれた)とは夏休みに入ってすぐの1週間、静岡市内の様々なところに出かけました。イアン君がアメリカに帰ってからは15時間の時差を超えて、パソコンや携帯を使ってWindows Live Messenger でのチャットをいっぱい楽しみました。イアン君からは、3−Aの皆さんにくれぐれもよろしくとのことです。 ということで、イアン君から得た情報ですが、イアン君のお気に入りの曲の紹介です。The Red Jumpsuit Apparatusが歌っている「Face Down」という曲で、その曲が入っているアルバム名は「Don't You Fake It」。日本での人気はイマイチなのかもしれませんが、バンドのメンバーは全員20代前半なので弾けていてエネルギッシュで、それでいてどことなく懐かしい感じがするロックです。ぜひ、聴いてみて下さい。
July 2nd - 6th, an nice American boy joined our class as our classmate. He came from Wisconsin State in the U.S. His father is a Japanese doctor (living in Shizuoka by himself and working in the hospital in Shizuoka now) and his mother is a German and Scottish American. He has studied Japanese for two years, but he said that Japanese was very difficult. He was a little shy, but made us notice many things that we had never noticed before. We all want to say to him heartily," Thank you for coming to our class and giving us time to spend with you." We will never forget him forever.

July 12th - 13th, we went camping to the Motosu Lake. At first, we were planning to go camping from July 10th to 12th. But we were obliged to postpone our camp because of this long rainy season. Like the title of July's song for all the students "Don't stop me now," we never wanted to give up our camp and everyone hoped that the weather would improve the next day. Our hope reached the God of sky. Although heavy rain washed one of our precious days off, we could enjoy two days' camp. We the ninth-graders were happy to get the best memories in our last school camp.
(1)ガラパゴス絶滅危ぐリストに〜The Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean were put on a list of endangered World Heritages sites by UNESCO on June 26 because of the growing pressure from tourism.

(2)観光庁新設へ〜The transport ministry is planning to bring its tourism-related divisions together into a single authority in 2008 to attract more visitors and help reinvigorate local areas through tourism, officials said June 26.

(3)久間防衛相辞任〜Defense Minister Kyuma handed in his resignation July 3, three days after making remarks criticized as justifying the U.S. atomic bombings of Japan. Kyuma had said a speech June 30 :" I understand the bombing brought the war to its end. I think it was something that couldn't be helped."

(4)英テロ未遂事件で医師逮捕〜The investigation into failed car bombing in Glasgow and London has swept up six physicians and a medical student, officials said July 3, including a doctor seized at an airport in Brisbane, Australia.
Judy: Did you say ice cream???
Rudy: Why, no - you're hardly talking above a whisper.
全世界的に人気が高まっているビリーズブートキャンプ(軍隊式エクササイズ)、もう試しましたか? boot camp とは新兵訓練所のこと。憲法9条がある日本には軍隊もなく当然兵役もありませんが、ダイエットの為ならboot campのDVDにお金を払ってでも入隊したいという人が増えています。Billy Blanksという51歳のエネルギッシュな黒人のおじさんが隊長で7日間で結果を出すという即効性が人気の秘密。隣で踊っているシェリーはビリーの娘さん。この夏休み、受験のための勉強onlyの日々も大切だけど、まずは体力!皆さんもboot camp入りして、夏休みが終わったらムキムキになった肉体を自慢しあうなんていうのはどうでしょう!
Circle! Circle! Here we go!!

Billy Blanks のページはこちら→
7/3〜7/5 連想バルーンなど
We had the test to examine the proficiency of five subjects on June 26.
Its result will tell us what we can't understand and what to study now.
Our high school exam is quite a new exam.
Who on earth can expect the result?
(1)牛ミンチ偽装〜 Hokkaido meat-processing company Meat Hope said June 20 that one of its plants shipped products made from minced beef and pork under the label "ground beef."
Some media also reported that Meat Hope used expired beef in the croquettes.
"What day is the strongest day of the week?"
"Sunday. All the rest are weakdays."
"What's the national flower of the U.S.?"
"It's Car-nation!"

6/28 涙の表現について。

The consultation meeting started among Teacher Y, our parents and us from last Wednesday. We talked about our hope for going to high schools. Which high school should we choose? Which high school suits us? High schools aren't the final purposes of our lives, but the high school life gives us more important things than study. We must do our best to win best choice.
(1)エベレスト登頂最高齢〜Katsuyama Yanagisawa, 71, has become the oldest person to reach the 8850-meter summit of Mt. Everest, sources said May 29.

(2)白鵬が横綱〜Mongolian Hakuho, 22 was promoted to yokozuna, or grand champion, May 30, becoming the fourth non-Japanese to reach sumo's highest rank. Hakuho is the 69th yokozuna in sumo history.

(3)脱北者青森で保護〜Four North Koreans arrived in Aomori in a small boat June 2, asking for asylum. They will be sent, as they have asked, to South Korea.

(4)年金記録不明分〜The Social Insurance Agency may have more unidentified pension accounts due to blunders in record keeping, opposition lawmakers said June 6. There may be up to 14 million more unidentified pension accounts in addition to the more than 50 million currently estimated.
American tourists came to Japan for the first time. And they visited one of the most famous castles in Japan. There was a display near the entrance of the castle. They were very angry to see it. It said," あぶないからはいってはいけません。Because you are dangerous, you must not enter."
After all, they went to another place without entering the castle.
Teacher: "Betty, compose a sentence that begins with 'I.'"
Betty: "I is -"
Teacher: "Oh, no!! Never say, 'I is.' It's 'He is' or 'It is' or 'She is,' but 'I am.' Begin your sentence,' I am.....' "
Betty: "Ah...I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
今回のジョークコーナーに書いた日本のお城での笑い話は、実はEngrish com というサイトで見つけたものです。English ではなく、Engrishというのがポイント。実はこのサイトは外国人が日本や他の国で見つけたおかしな英語を集めたサイトなんです。
Engrish com はこちらをクリック↓

6/10〜6月の歌Back Street Boysの「I want it that way.」・
Last Monday the student-teachers of the third stage came to our school.
All of them have learned how to teach before.
Two female-teachers and one male--teacher came to our class.
They spent a few days teaching us.
Teaching is very difficult to learn.
We found that it is not books (or machines) but also human nature of teachers that can raise us.
(1) 15歳アマチュアゴルファー最年少優勝〜High school golfer Ryo Ishikawa became the youngest winner on the men's professional tour at the Munsingwear Open KSB Cup on May 20. The Saitama Prefecture native is the first teen to win since the Japanese men's tour was established in 1973.

(2)はしか関東の大学で流行〜The number of measles patients in their teens and 20s has been increasing sharply since mid-March in the Kanto region, forcing universities, including Waseda University, Sophia University and Nihon University, to call off classes.

(3)マンガのノーベル賞〜Japan will hand out its first "Nobel Prize of Manga" this summer. The International Manga Award, proposed by manga enthusiast Foreign Minister Taro Aso, will go to an artist abroad whose work contributes to the spread of manga worldwide. The prize comes with no monetary reward.
Pat: Do you know which bus crossed the oceans without getting wet?
Matt: Sure, it was Christopher Co-lum-bus!!
An American who has just visited Japan told his American friend about Japan. "Japan was a very strange country. Japanese people lived in a small apartment house named 'mansion,' they drank something named 'sweat,' they said that they were businessmen in spite of usual office workers, and intelligent women said to me, 'Shit, down, please!' "
僕は食いしん坊なのでまたまた食べ物の話ですみません。皆さんはウスターソースって知っていますよね。濃厚なトンカツソースではない、あのサラリとしたソースです。このウスターってイギリスの地名なんです。つまりウスターシャ州で作られたソースということです。1890年代後半頃、ある貴族が、イギリスの植民地のインドからソースの作り方を持ち帰り、薬剤師であった二人の人物(ジョン・リーとぺリンに命じて作らせたLea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauceが発祥とされています。
Last week we ardently discussed the Pacific war in our social studies class.
What country or who was responsible for that war?
So many people, so many thoughts.
What we can say with confidence now is that there are no winners in the stages of wars and all the people there are losers because of losing something or someone.
No more wars!!
Let's love all the people in the world!!
Let's love all living things on the earth!!
(1)赤ちゃんポストに男児〜Japan's first "baby hatch" at a Kumamoto Prefecture hospital, where parents can anonymously leave newborns they cannot raise, got a boy aged 3 or 4 on its first day, sources said May 15.

(2)中年男性の半数がメタボ症候群〜About half of Japanese men aged 40 to 74 suffer from or are likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome, a form of obesity with increased risk of stokes and other illnesses, the government said May 16.

(3)キャンベラ水制限〜Canberra could see severe restrictions in July as Australia's worst drought in living memory continues, sources said May 15. Bans on watering gardens and washing cars could be imposed, and fountains would have to be turned off.
An American student, Jack: "Can't you speak English, Taro?"
A stupid Japanese student, Taro: "Ah.......Yes!"
Jack: "O.K. By the way, did you meet your girl friend yesterday?"
Taro: "No.....Ah......A KI RA ME TA"    →Jack(A killer met her.)
Jack: "Oh, my god!!"→Taro(O MA E GA?)
Taro: "Yes!!"

"What's the definition of 'summer vacation'?"
"The teachers' No-bell Peace Prize."
今回はイギリスの旗の話です。イギリスの正式名称はUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(グレートブリテンおよび北部アイルランド連合王国)で、国旗はユニオンジャックと呼ばれています。ジャックとは船の舳先につける船首旗の事で、正しくはユニオン・フラッグと言いますが、この旗は三つの旗を組み合わせて作られています。

St. George Cross

St. Andrew Cross

St. Patrick Cross

Last week we had general meetings for all the students in our school.
We submitted the matter of our field day to the discussion of our general meetings.
Our discussion was very very exciting.
We could decide our basic policy of our field day; "More...and Challenge!"
It means that we want to develop the field day without being seized with the past plan.
Of course, we have no mind to ignore the past plan.

(1)ジェットコースターで死亡〜A rollercoaster at Expoland in Suita, Osaka Prefecture, derailed, killing one 19-year old woman and injuring 19 others May 5. The operator said the derailment was caused after the axle that locked the car to a unit of wheels broke.

(2)巨大竜巻〜A tornado ripped through the tiny farming community of Greensburg, Kansas, on May 5, killing 10 and injuring over 50 people. Around 90% of Greensburg, a town of about 1600 people, was destroyed by winds of 265 kilometers-per-hour.

(3)現代人の歩行速度〜A study of cities across the world shows pedestrians are increasing speed at an alarming rate, determined to cram as much as they can into the day. Scientists say this is the result of a modern life driven by e-mail and a need to be available 24 hours a day. The most dramatic increases were found in Asia.
The teacher said to the student, "You have been learning for five years now and you can count only up to ten. What will you be in life if you continue this way?"
And the boy replied, "A referee of boxing matches, sir."
"After Mickey Mouse fell in the river, how did Minny Mouse revive him?"
"With mouse-to-mouse resuscitation."
Mozart said to the Terminator," Don't go out, please!"
The Terminator smiled and answered to him," I'll be Bach !"
Last Monday 41 student teachers came to our school. Four of them came to our class.
(Ms. Saito-art,
Mr. Suzuki-social studies,
Ms.Tsunoda-Japanese, Mr. Watanabe-English)
They are so young and cheerful that we feel they are not so much teachers as seniors. We can learn not only subjects but also much knowledge of our real life from them. I wish I could become a nice university student like them someday!!

(1)イラク撤退法案×〜The U.S. Congress failed May 2 to override President Bush's veto (拒否権) of legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Bush said, "The question is: Who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear - I'm the commander guy."

(2)種明かしで訴える〜A group of 49 professional magicians and magic fans filed a \ 1.9 million lawsuit May 1 against NTV Corp. and TV Asahi Corp. for revealing coin-trick secrets. Two corps showed how coin tricks were done during reports on the arrest of the operator of a magic bar in Osaka.

(3)肥満10代のテレビ番組〜Obese British teenagers will be sent to Australia's harsh outback, where they will have to hunt with Aborigines for food in a new reality television show called "Fat Teens Can't Hunt."
When prime minister Mr. M visited President Bill Clinton in Washington D.C., he wanted to greet the President in English.
He was very nervous because it was his first time to speak English, and when he intended to ask, "How are you?" he instead said, "Who are you?"
Bill Clinton was smart enough to answer," I'm the husband of Hillary Clinton."
Bill's saying so may be his favorite phrase now.


“I am the idol of my class!”
“Yes!! You are idle all day long everyday .”
“I have a small house, but I am so poor that I can't buy any dresses!”
“Oh, you are a liar! You have a dress, don't you?”





★On April 24th Tuesday, we challenged the academic achievement survey test of nationwide scale given by The Ministry of Education. This investigation test was done after an interval of 43 years. The ninth-graders (1.16 million) participated in this test. The subjects of this investigation were Japanese and math. Needless to say, this special present after an interval of 43 years didn't make us happy at all.

★On April 26th Thursday, we challenged TOEIC Bridge test that we had not anticipated at all. The test means the concept of a "bridge" to the TOEIC test, (score range 20-180). The TOEIC test is a global standard for the assessment of communicative English ability, (score range 10-990). Bridge/150≒TOEIC/470

(1)長崎市長撃たれる〜The mayor of Nagasaki was shot to death April 17th by a senior gang member enraged that the city refused to compensate him. The shooting, which took place in the election campaign, was rare in a country where handguns are banned.

(2)学生が銃乱射〜A gunman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech University in the worst shooting rampage in modern US history April 16th, cutting down his victims in two attacks two hours apart. The bloodbath ended when the gunman committed suicide.

(3)地球に似た惑星〜For the first time scientists have discovered a planet outside our solar system that is potentially habitable, with Earth-like temperatures, AP sources said April 24th. The planet is the right size and is nearby at 20 light years away.
Why was 6 afraid of 7? →Because 7 8 9!
Where do they go dancing in California? → San Frandisco!!
One student: “Teacher, I like Queen's songs very much,
but I dislike this scary song; ‘I was bone to love you.’
This song is for skeletons, isn't it? ”
His teacher: “Oh, no!! You did the worst mistake on grammar. You should say like this; I was a bone to love you.”   (Raiga's original joke)
今、静岡市の姉妹都市は旧静岡市時代よりも増えました。旧静岡市の姉妹都市としてはオマハ市(アメリカ・ネブラスカ州)・カンヌ市(フランス・コート・ダジュール州)、旧清水市の姉妹都市としてはストックトン市(アメリカ・カリフォルニア州)、 旧蒲原町の姉妹都市としてはシェルビービル市(アメリカ・インディアナ州)があります。姉妹都市と言っても実際にどういう都市かを知ることはなかなか難しいです。旧静岡市からの姉妹都市でも、カンヌ市は映画祭で有名ですが、オマハ市はオマハ牛が世界的に有名といっても静岡市で買って食べることは出来ません。僕はオマハには広大なトウモロコシ畑があったことを思い出し、オマハの味が食べられないか探しました・・・ありました!!亀田製菓が輸入販売しているオーヴィル・レデンバッカー電子レンジポップコーンはオマハにあるConAgraという会社が作ったもので、原料のトウモロコシもオマハでとれたものでした!ぜひ一度食べてみて下さい!!
One Point Lesson1 英語の肯定文の語順は {主語 動詞 色々入れて 場所 時}
Did you remember the April's song 'I was born to love you' ?


4/26〜TOEIC 2時間・友達紹介のインタビューをする。


Last Friday was an open school day. Our parents came to our school to see our class. We had them see a game by all the ninth graders on the ground. It was a game called " yoningokyaku " in Japanese. We enjoyed it very much. Maybe our parents were very happy to see us running merrily. Smiles brought more smiles!! (1)成田に最大免税店〜
Narita International Airport opened Japan's largest airport duty-free shopping mall April 9th at its No.2 terminal. With floor space of around 4800 square meters, the mall called Narita 5th Avenue, hosts 32 shops.

Scientists said April 9th that planting new trees in snow-covered regions may contribute to global warming. That is the reason why trees in colder regions catch sunlight that could be reflected back to space by the snow.

A Chinese woman in Nanjing survived an accidental fall from a sixth-floor balcony thanks to a pile of excrement. At that time workers had been emptying a septic tank(浄化槽) below and there were much excrement.

Little Alex asked,“Mom, does Jesus use our bathroom?”
“Why, no !”his mother said sweetly.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because every morning, daddy kicks the door and yells,
‘Christ, are you still in there?’”

Patient:“Doctor, doctor, I suffer from a bad
sickness.I keep thinking I'm a goat.”
Doctor:“How long have you had this feeling?”
Patient:“Since I was a kid.”

Woman:“I want one carat for my birthday present .”
Man: “Well... I will give twenty-two carrots to you.”
Woman:“Oh, thank you. You're a very very rich man.”
“Oh, my God !!" 僕はあまりの衝撃的な味に涙をこらえて

4/17〜今年度の英語の授業の目標について・・・思いやりのあるGood Communicationを心がけよう!

4/18〜3年最初の英語の歌はUKのロックバンドQueenの1985年の曲「I was born to love you.」

4/19〜gestureを使ってのcommunication・body languageは結構難しい!

4/20〜リスニング練習・いつもより速いリスニングに挑戦!native speed での聞き取りを目指して。


Last week five new persons in charge of English in 3-A were chosen. I will introduce them to you here, with their comments (in alphabetical order).

・Kozue M ・・・・・・“I want to enjoy English with everyone !!”

・Takuya O ・・・“I'll do my best !”

・Tetsuta G ・・・・・・・“I'll write a newspaper. Enjoy English !!”

・Yuki H ・・・・・・・“I'll work hard ! Let's enjoy English classes !!”

・Raiga O ・・・・・・・ “I want to make you feel happy in English classes !!”
(The publisher of 1-A/2-A TIMES)

<We will do our best to give you happy English classes. Please give us your support and cooperation.>
Cyber University, Japan's first university that provides courses via the Internet, opened 4/1 with an entrance ceremony in Fukuoka transmitted in real time to students' computers. The 4-year university has two departments, IT and world heritage, each taking about 600 students.

EMI Group said in London on 4/2 it will begin selling songs online that are free of copy-protection technology through Apple's iTunes Store. The deal, however, doesn't include music from The Beatles.

A tsunami that struck without warning washed away villages in the Solomon Islands on 4/2, leaving over 5000 people homeless and killing at least 24. The 8.1-magnitude earthquake set off alarms from Tokyo to Hawaii.
(1)John: “Miss, I eaten seven sausages for dinner.”

Teacher: “Ate!! John, ate!!”

John: “It may have been eight, Miss.
I know I eaten an awful lot.”
(2)Finding out what her students know about the Bible, the Sunday-school teacher pointed to a young boy and said,“Billy, can you tell me who built the ark?” Shifting in his seat, Billy said,“No...uh....”Smiling the teacher said,“That's right.”
中1の初めから英語係を続けて来ましたが、去年まではどちらかと言えばaggressive & self-satisfactory だったと反省しています。春休みにイギリスへ初めて1人旅をし、初めて寮生活体験をしてきて、僕にたりないものがよくわかりました。今年の目標はずばり〜HG〜です!Humorous & Gentleな態度で英語係をつとめ、新聞を発行していきますのでどうぞよろしくお願い致します。

2006年度に書いた英字新聞はこちらをクリック→2−A TIMES


2005年度に書いた英字新聞はこちらをクリック→1−A TIMES
Stand By Me
The Never Ending Story
Daydream Believer
Take Me Home,Country Roads
Saturday Night
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
I Just Called To Say I Love You
I Have A Dream

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